Europe in Calvià, Anita


Time flies really fast, we are already here in Mallorca for more than 2 months. By now we have got used to life here and we have adapted some habits that are different in our culture (for example, giving kisses when we say hello starting on the left side instead of the right, eating dinner and going to bed later, getting up later, and of course sometimes having siestas although it can also be pretty irritating that everything closes after lunch and I can’t go to the shops whenever it comes to my mind that I need something...). We are learning a lot about different cultures, different ways of life, and of course, about ourselves.

I like it very much that we are volunteering in different departments of the Ayuntamiento every day of the week, because we can try ourselves out in various situations, plus we don’t get bored with doing the same work for 8 months. On Mondays we have an interlinguistic workshop in the CUC (Snacks&Languages) where we usually practice English with local people (come if you would like to, it starts at 17 h ;) ), on Tuesdays we have Spanish class and we are working in the CUC, on Wednesdays we are in escoletas, on Thursdays we go to help the staff of Es Generador in Palmanova, and on Fridays we have Spanish classes again and we go to cultural centers. On weekends we usually go to discover some other parts of the island, or just take a rest. Now the 3 of us already have bikes, so it will be easier to visit everything.

I had lots of adventures (or maybe I should say problems, with losing money and having too much stress) with my flights, but at the end I got home for Christmas and New Year’s Eve to visit my family and meet my friends in Budapest.

For Christmas we went to a natural lake in Hungary (Hévíz) with warm thermal water with my mom and my brother to have a calm experience away from our big and crowded city. At the end of the year we went to Chelmsford and London to visit the family of my mom’s brother. I spent New Year’s Eve with my closest friends and I travelled back to Mallorca in the 3rd of January.

It was really good to meet everyone who I love, but at the same time it was a bit strange to sleep alone in a room (:D) and to stay away from Marie, Michele and Steve who are really close to me every time here in Mallorca. On the 5th of January we spent an amazing afternoon with Mafi and on the next day we went to see the cabalgata of the Reyes Magos. It was very interesting for me because we don’t have similar activities in my country and it was really good to see how strangers can be happy together with spectacular shows and, of course, lots of candies.

Now we are back on the track and we follow our weekly schedule, just like before the holidays.

Később találkozunk (see you later),



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