My January in Spain, Anna

¡Chao, amigos!

Half way through the program! In December Christmas passed like a good old friend, who stops by for a short visit and promises to return back next year. In the spirit of “Calvià in Europe", we created some Finnish-Italian-Georgian treats in our fusion kitchen and invited friends to join us before everyone escaped to celebrate Christmas on their own way. December also gave us the possibility to travel and explore Spain a bit more with our peers. Since we have got this feeling of running out of time, we have started making lists of must see stuff that is... umm... must see. So many things, so little time: challenge accepted.

Despite the adventures behind and ahead and everything else that I am looking forward with excitement, I have to confess that my heart truly beats to my project in the perrera of Calvià. During the past three months I have fed, loved, cared and played with so many hairy friends with paws and walked with them at least 500 miles. I have hugged them for goodbye when they have finally found their forever homes. I have seen pictures of one of my humble giants to sit on a real couch in a real home, first time in his life, and I swear he was smiling from the bottom of his heart, and so was I. Seeing a dog leaving the shelter for their new home breaks my heart every time, but in a good way. Every time I cry inside a bit, give them warm thoughts and wish them the happiest days of their lives.

(Of course there are also lots of cats in la perrera. One of my favourites is an ancient, old, gigantic, grey cat whose growl can be heard miles away. I don’t think she’s a cat at all. She is a lion.)

Now in January we will finally meet again a plenty of other EVS-volunteers here in Spain, since our mid-term training gets closer and closer. Time flies when you are having fun!

- Anna


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