
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: febrer, 2019

My february in Spain, Anna

Moikka kaikille, The sun has finally returned and we have been able to enjoy again some nice warm days here in the island. At the end of January we had our mid-term training in Mollina, near Málaga, with 80 other volunteers! It was a great time to know more people and share some experiences. We had a week full of stories about life from different parts of Spain, each one being unique and told by the other volunteers around Europe. In February we also had the chance to make an excursion to one of my projects, in Finca Galatzó. Perfect, sunny day to show this amazing place to my compañeros ! After some work together in the Finca property, we had the chance to pick up oranges and have a traditional Majorcan lunch together in the garden. Since October, I have spent each Monday volunteering for Galatzó. I first started my Mondays by creating them a new web page (that is going to be launched in the future) and after that participated in various Finca...

Love the EVS experience, Delia

¡Hola, guapos y guapas! I hope that your last month was as nice as mine and that you are enjoying reading our blog and participating a bit in our Mallorca life! January has been full of emotions. I am going to tell you some highlights in a very short way. My 2019 started at high speed: in my free time I continued visiting around both the island and the peninsula. Madrid has been a discovery because I didn't expect at all that it's such a fascinating city. I will go back there for sure! I also took the chance of exploring the neighborhood that let me change my mind again about Mallorca: it's even more wonderful than I already thought. This island has so many different landscapes and views, so nice pueblitos and so friendly people. Then the month finished with the middle-term evaluation: we flew to Malaga and we met 70 other volunteers from all over Spain. It has been a moment of pure joy sharing our volunteering experiences and working on how we co...

Mi experiencia en el Mid-Term, Mollina, Malaga. William

¡Hola! Acabo de volver de la evaluación intermedia de proyecto que hicimos en Mollina (cerca de Malaga) junt@s con voluntari@s de toda España. ¡Fue una pasada! Tres días muy intensos: mucho socializar, mucho disfrutar y mucha reflexión sobre el proyecto.                                         Divididos en grupos hicimos juegos para conocernos, presentar los lugares donde hacemos voluntariado y compartir sentimientos, ideas y experiencias. También nos implicaron en un reto de baile en que mi equipo puso todo su espíritu competitivo: ¡GO FLAMINGOS!                                         Hablamos de nuestra situación actual, de cómo afrontar dificultades y problemas y de cómo sacar lo mejor de la experiencia que estamos haciendo. Me he dado cuenta de que soy muy afortunado...